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>>Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty




What is a Tummy Tuck?

A Tummy Tuck procedure or Abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can improve the appearance, shape and profile of your abdominal area. The treated area includes the belly and waist, helping to reduce fat and excess, loose or saggy skin. The aim of Abdominoplasty Surgery is to remove excess, sagging tummy skin but it may also have other benefits like reducing back pain or incontinence.

Full Abdominoplasty Surgery can also include repair of split tummy muscles post-pregnancy (Diastasis Recti) or a hernia.

Why have a tummy tuck?

People have this surgery to take away extra skin and fat, or get a flatter tummy, often after pregnancy or gaining and losing weight. It can help rejoin the muscles of the abdominal wall if they have been pulled apart in the middle (known as ‘divarication of the recti’). Stretch marks can sometimes be cut away or tightened to make them less obvious.

Ideally, your weight will be normal before the surgery. A tummy tuck is not for people who are overweight, or carried out in order to lose weight. For the right person, a tummy tuck can make a big difference to their confidence and quality of life.

What will happen before my operation?

You will meet your surgeon to talk about why you want surgery and what you want. The surgeon will make a note of any illnesses you have or have had in the past. They will also make a record of any medication you are on, including herbal remedies and medicines that are not prescribed by your doctor.

Your surgeon will examine your tummy, and may take some photographs for your medical records. They will ask you if you want to have someone with you during the examination, and ask you to sign a consent form for taking, storing and using the photographs.

The surgeon will measure your height and weight to make sure that it is safe to do an operation. If you are overweight, pregnant or planning to become pregnant, your surgeon may suggest delaying your operation.

What can I expect during tummy tuck surgery ?

A full Tummy Tuck procedure requires a horizontal incision in the area of the pubic hairline. The shape and length of your incision line will determine the degree of correction necessary.

A General Anaesthesia will assist your comfort during Tummy Tuck surgery. Skin is separated from the abdominal wall. The surgeon then draws the muscle and tissue together with stitches. This will narrow your waistline and strengthen the abdominal wall. It can also help correct split abdominal muscles. Sutures, skin adhesives, tapes or clips close the skin incisions from your Tummy Tuck.

What are the different Types of Tummy Tucks (Abdominoplasty) ?

There are many types of tummy surgery – each designed for different body shapes, concerns and amounts of excess skin:

  • Mini Tummy Tuck – removes a small pouch of skin usually after pregnancy or minor weight loss – when a ‘Skin Only’ Repair is needed.
  • Full Tummy Tuck – removes an overhang of skin and repairs abdominal muscles – typically after pregnancy
  • Extended Tummy Tuck – removes a large overhang of excess skin with an incision from hip to hip or beyond – usually for significant weight loss patients (Extended Abdominoplasty)
  • Belt Lipectomy or Circumferential Abdominoplasty – the incision is made right around the abdomen and removes a large tyre of excess skin and fat – use for massive weight loss patients (Circumferential Abdominoplasty)
  • Reverse Tummy Tuck is where the incision is made under the breasts and excess skin is pulled upwards. Quite rarely performed but has been done typically in conjunction with a breast reduction or lift with acceptable results. The right patient selection criteria is absolutely critical – this Reverse Abdominoplasty is rarely performed by surgeons.
  • Fleur De Lis (FDL) or Vertical Tummy Tuck – the incision is made around the abdomen like a belt lipectomy with an additional vertical incision in the front to remove even more excess skin in large massive weight loss patients

What to expect after the operation ?

Tummy tucks are usually carried out under a general anesthetic (so you would be asleep). The operation usually takes about three hours, and you would usually spend up to three days in hospital.

When you wake up from your operation you may have a drip to give you fluid while you are not drinking. You might be given antibiotics to keep the wound clean. Also, you may have drainage tubes in your lower tummy to drain away any fluid or blood. These tubes will be taken out when the fluid or blood has stopped draining, usually before you go home.Your tummy will feel tight and sore. Simple painkillers should be enough to keep you comfortable.

How are the dressings ?

You will have some dressings on your tummy. You may need to wear a well-fitting support garment, usually for weeks after the operation.

You will be asked to keep your knees and hips bent whenever possible to take the strain off your stitches.

How is the recovery ?

You will be out of bed on the same day as your surgery, and doing light activities after two weeks. You should be back to normal exercise in six weeks.While you are in hospital, you will be given blood-thinning injections, and support stockings, to reduce the risk of a clot in the leg (DVT) or the lung (PE).Avoid strenuous activity for 10 to 12 weeks. Most patients take up to four weeks off work after the operation, depending on their job. Your tummy will be sore and swollen for weeks to months after the operation. Do not lift heavy things for several weeks, and avoid sex for at least three weeks. With all activities, start gently.Do not drive until you feel safe and are comfortable wearing a seatbelt.