Joli Touch



What is orthodontics?

Orthodontic teeth crowding is the treatment of disorders depending on whether the lower or upper jaw is in front or behind, due to the narrowness of the jaw structure or the teeth being larger than the jaw. provides teeth

Why should we have orthodontic treatment?

If there is crookedness in your orthodontic treatment teeth, it will be difficult to clean the mouth, if the mouth does not close normally which means not contacting the lower teeth with the upper teeth cheek, it may cause problems in the surrounding tissue of the tooth. Inappropriate tooth alignment and jaw disorders will not only create aesthetic problems, but also negatively affect speech functions, which can lead to digestive problems, joint and muscle pain.

Untreated orthodontic disorders can lead to social development problems due to speech and image disorders, especially in developmental people.

What are orthodontic treatment methods and how does the process work?

Orthodontic treatment consists of several stages.

First, your orthodontist will examine the patient and inform him about the size of the treatment for problems such as incompatibility, jamming, and crookedness.

Then, he will be given the most accurate information about how to choose a treatment.

Before starting the treatment, the condition of the teeth in general is checked, whether there is caries or not, and if there are, it should be treated.

After oral care is done perfectly, the preparation process will be completed.

In the planning and measurement phase, planning and measurement is made according to the person’s jaw structure, tooth, and mouth structure.

Braces are attached in two different ways; the indirect bonding method is one of them. With this method, adhesive brackets are adhered to the teeth, then arch wires are passed between them, and then tires are attached. This method is one of the most preferred methods of recent times.

Why are clear aligners used in orthodontic treatment?

It facilitates your treatment process with its attaching and detachable feature.

Prevents the pain you will experience during your treatment process

It will help your treatment process to get healthy earlier.

It protects your palate, the formation of unpleasant odors in your mouth with its ability to attach and remove.

How long do orthodontic treatments take?

Orthodontic treatment varies from person to person and the type of treatment to be performed.

Positive results can be obtained between 6-24 months on average.

The reduction or prolongation of the treatment period depends on the person receiving the treatment.

To protect the health of your teeth during the treatment process, food that should not be eaten should be avoided.

Correct and proper use of the apparatus applied in the treatment are the factors affecting the duration of the treatment.

When should we consult an orthodontist?

Permanent teeth in children begin to erupt from the age of 6 and continue until the age of 12. If there are orthodontic problems in the teeth during this period, orthodontic examination is required to prevent it.

Jaw disorders can be intervened after the age of 7, teeth can always be treated in adults, but it should be known that increasing age will decrease the duration of treatment and recovery from treatment.

Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment, age is not important in dental treatment

Anyone with healthy bones surrounding the teeth can be treated.

What should be done for the maintenance of the braces and cleaning the mouth?

The most important point to be considered during the treatment is to brush your teeth after you eat, use a special orthodontic brush and an interface brush.