Joli Touch

>>Brow Lift

Brow lift



A brow lift, or forehead lift, is an operation to smooth the area from your eyebrows to your hairline. By repositioning soft tissue and skin of the brow and forehead, a brow lift freshens the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes.


What happens during brow lift surgery?

Brow lifts can be performed several ways. Your consultant will assess your situation and recommend the right procedure. During your operation your surgeon will shorten the muscles in your brow through an incision in your hairline. The procedure lifts the forehead area and repositions your eyebrows for a younger look. Any scar will be hidden in your hair.

You may have the option of keyhole surgery. In this case your surgeon will access the area through tiny incisions on your hairline. Brow lift surgery is usually performed under general anesthetic and you may need to spend one night in hospital. You may have bandaging on your forehead to protect any incisions. There may be very thin tubes (drains) inserted in the wound to drain any excess fluid or blood. These will be removed in 2-3 days.

You may have bruising and swelling in your forehead and upper eyelid area. The area may be very sensitive but you will be given pain relief medication. You may be asked to remain upright and to avoid bending over or straining for the first few days.

What are the complications of brow lift?

Every surgical procedure has a risk of complications. Be sure and discuss any concerns you might have about these risks with your surgeon.

Are you a good candidate for a Brow Lift Surgery?

Good candidates are usually:

  • in good health and follow good nutrition
  • have good healing capacity and healthy, resilient skin
  • have a concern about their upper facial appearance due to brow position
  • have a droopy or low-hanging brow appearance or uneven brows

Note that brow asymmetry is normal and may sometimes worsen with age. Surgery MAY help rectify this condition but your brows will remain somewhat asymmetrical as all faces are asymmetrical and different from side to side.

Brow Lifts are popular for men and women and all genders. As we age, we lose elasticity in the tissues of our face. One consequence of this loss of elasticity is a descent or drooping of the brow.

What are the Benefits of a Brow lift?

A brow lift improves the aesthetic position of the eyelids, helping restore the proportional relationship between the EYE and BROW – helping improve the overall appearance of your face. A drooping brow causes the appearance of the fullness of the upper eyelids and the area of the brow immediately above the eye.

Fortunately, facial rejuvenation surgery such as a Brow Lift procedure combined with skin treatments or facelift procedures can:

  • Help raise a drooping brow line
  • Give the impression of fresher, younger-looking eyes
  • Reduce wrinkles and deep lines
  • Resurface or smooth the skin
  • Strengthen skin collagen and improve cellular renewal
  • Treat hyperpigmentation or remove skin lesions
  • Tighten loose skin around the jowls and neck area
  • Replace lost volume around cheeks, eyes or other areas of the face that have begun looking gaunt due to skin aging


The Brow Lift Procedure

These days, a brow lift is often performed using a telescope (endoscopic approach) in preference to a long scalp incision. The endoscopic approach may be equally successful and involves minimal surgical intrusion – just three to five small incisions hidden within the hairline. This obviously varies between men and women none the least because of male pattern baldness and the possibility of exposed incisions.

The exact positioning of your brow is a very personal matter, and is also much influenced by gender and ethnic differences. We will support your decision with the most up to date practices and a depth of experience.

Using general anesthetic, your operation will take in the order of 60 minutes. Each procedure is customized.


Recovery After Brow Lift Surgery

Recovery varies from patient to patient. This is general information only and does not replace your Surgeon’s information nor does it constitute a medical relationship.

As with any surgery, there may be some mild discomfort immediately afterwards. We will provide the painkillers you need to be as comfortable as possible. If the endoscopic method is used there will be less swelling and less visible scarring.

Immediately after surgery, you will have some dressings and tapes on your face and brow. An overnight stay in hospital will be needed after your operation, and we recommend that you take one or two weeks off work to rest and recover properly.These are typically removed within a few days after your surgery. Patients usually experience some swelling around the surgical site but this usually subsides within a few days.

Elevated Sleeping after having a Brow Lift procedure – Surgery Recovery and Sleep. You will typically need to sleep with your head and shoulders propped up for the first one to two weeks after surgery. This can help reduce complications and may help minimize swelling and may aid your recovery. Ask your surgeon for specific instructions for post-op care.